Hi Axel,

I am aware of such an issue.

Usually you get this when 
- the spot color is defined with CMYK as "base" color in Indesign
- you use an export setting that tags all colors (e.g. when using the PDF/X-3 export setting)

and I am sure, that there other possibilities as well.


On 10.06.2022, at 10:07, Axel Robert <axel.robert@ubisoft.com> wrote:

Good morning.
I was wondering if somebody else already experienced and solved this problem, as well.
We built, dedicated to creative agencies, a specific color settings and pdf export couple for certain production files in which we manage ourselves the RGB to CMYK conversion. It’s almost a late binding workflow before sending the final PDF to our printers.
So, all raster images remain in a specific RGB color space while Benday and vectors are still in CMYK.
So far, we did have any issue, but we recently received a document with a Spot Color template in it.
And when we checked it, it appeared it had been tagged on the Alternate Color Space with an ICC profile (no more specific indication).
We tried to find why without any success.
But we also experienced the same after many tests in In Design and Illustrator by creating a simple vector shape to which we added a Spot Color from the latest Pantone library. 

The PDF export has no color conversion except an OI and OC for the PDF itself.
And despite all the color swatches we use, the result is equal.
The only difference lies when we use a PDF Export Preset which converts colors to the destination.
In such a way, the Spot Color uses the CMYK mode as by default Alternate Color Space.
How is it possible?
Would you have any idea?
UBISOFT | Axel ROBERT |Senior Manager, Prepress Quality
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