It seems that there is some confusion about the certification for ISO 12647-2 (and other parts).

There are a number of independent organizations offering certification for this ISO. In Europe these are VDM(Germany), FOGRA (Germany), UGRA(Switzerland), SCGM(Netherlands and Belgium), and maybe some more. All these offer their certification services also outside their local country. All these organizations use in a large extent the same procedure for auditing and have agreed to exchange auditing experience in a yearly meeting of experts. All use accredited auditors and certified or accredited local implementation consultants, partly these are from the own organization, partly these are for practical reasons (e.g. local language) from other organizations.

I cannot talk about the formal status of the others but SCGM is the Dutch national board for certification in the graphic media industry and accredited by the Dutch National Accreditation Board. So there is no need for any accreditation by FOGRA or whatsoever organization, as this board it the highest accreditation board available. I assume that also FOGRA and UGRA are accredited by respectively the German and Swiss national accreditation boards.

Each country has by international agreement to have a national accreditation board, this board assures the correctness of the followed procedures, the conformance with the content and the intent of the standard, makes sure that the auditors are suitable for their job, have sufficient knowledge about the subject (for that SCGM uses auditors from IGT Testing Systems and VIGC), the measuring equipment is properly maintained and calibrated etc. As backup for each specific certification process, this board also maintains an Expert Group of different stakeholders. These meet every 6 months to evaluate the results of the audits during that period and makes recommendations to the national mirror committee of the corresponding ISO (or other organization) for improvement of the standard.


Wilco de Groot

IGT Testing Systems 12688

1100 AR  Amsterdam

Keienbergweg 25-59

1101 EX  Amsterdam

Thre Netherlands

T: +31.20.4099300

F: +31.20.6974842




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